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Ford Service and Repair near Hoover AL

Ford Service and Repair near Hoover AL

Ford vehicles include legendary models like the F-150 truck, Explorer SUV, and Mustang muscle car. There are many past models that aren't in production anymore but that continue to provide faithful service to drivers around the country. At our dealership serving Hoover Alabama, you have people you can trust in to care for your vehicle for as long as you own it.

Ford Service and Repair near Hoover AL - 2023 Ford Ranger
Ford Service and Repair near Hoover AL - 2023 Ford Expedition

Ford Repair near Hoover

There's more to Ford service and repair than just fixing a car or maintaining it. We offer additional services like towing for models that won't even make it to the dealership. Our team also provides loaner vehicles that keep you on the road and productive even when your model needs lengthy repairs.


The basics of Ford service and repair include important maintenance routines like oil changes, tune-ups, and tire rotations. Some services improve performance only, and other services both improve performance and prevent major repairs later on. Oil changes are by far the most common and critical of auto care routines. We provide quick service bays and drive-up oil changes. Don't neglect the basics if you'd like to save yourself money on auto repairs over the years. We cover all basic maintenance routines at our dealership auto center. You'll also find helpful services like computer diagnostics, brake inspections, and battery checks. Catching a problem early is important.

Ford Service and Repair near Hoover AL - 2023 Ford Escape
Ford Service and Repair near Hoover AL - 2023 Ford Bronco

OEM Components and Installation

Major repairs usually involve the total failure of a major component. This might include a transmission going out completely, an engine failure, or a suspension system failure. All of these things are major repairs and sometimes require a new part. If you have a car that you love very much and that performs well, it might be worth it to you to replace components instead of completely replacing the vehicle. Although some OEM components are very expensive, it's still worth it if it means you get to keep your vehicle. You're under no obligation to repair a vehicle with us, but we're always glad to handle your component installations.

Loaner Vehicles

People with only one vehicle face a bigger hurdle when having a major auto repair. Allow our dealership to provide a short-term loaner or rental vehicle to you. If the repair is a same day completing repair, you might prefer to take advantage of our shuttle service. We'll always make sure that you get where you need to go during a major repair where you're without a vehicle.


When a model starts wearing out, many people don't settle for giving up on it. They prefer to renovate the car, truck, or SUV just like they would renovate a home they enjoy living in. Our long line of Ford accessories are available to recreate your aging model into something new again. Whether it's a new set of bigger wheels to change the stance and appearance of your vehicle or a new touchscreen wired up to give you connectivity, our Ford accessories are here to help make an old model feel new again.

Request more information

If you like what you've seen of stivers Ford of Birmingham service center, please make us your preferred auto care center. We're serving Hoover Alabama whenever we're needed.

*This article is for informational purposes only. Please contact the dealership for complete and current details.

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